Frequently Asked Questions
Will my child's English skills suffer in French Immersion?
No, children in French Immersion do just as well in reading, writing, speaking and listening in English as those who only study in English. Sometimes primary 亚洲成人网 may find English a bit tricky at first only because all of their instruction is in French, but these differences usually disappear within one year of them getting English instruction.
Is French harder to learn than English?
No, French is not harder to learn than English. In fact, there are reasons to believe that English is harder to learn, especially when it comes to reading and writing because of irregularities in English spelling and grammar. Each language has their easy and hard parts but for speaking and listening children often find learning French is just as straightforward as learning English.
Is French Immersion suitable for struggling 亚洲成人网?
Yes, immersion is suitable for most struggling 亚洲成人网. Research shows that children who might struggle in school for various reasons do just as well in French Immersion as they do in English-only programs.
Can children who might not do as well in school still become bilingual?
Absolutely! Even if a child might have a tough time in school for different reasons, they can still become great at both languages in immersion programs.
If a child has trouble with their first language, will learning a second language make it harder?
No, it won't make things harder. Learning another language doesn't cause extra problems. In fact, immersion 亚洲成人网 with a bit of struggle in their first language have the same level of first language ability and achievement as if they were in a regular program.
Should children with dyslexia avoid learning two languages?
There's no research saying they should avoid it. Learning to read in one language can actually help with reading in another language. So, having dyslexia doesn't mean a child can't learn to read and write in both languages.
What about children with developmental disabilities? Can they become bilingual?
Yes, they can! Studies show that children with developmental disabilities can learn two languages just as well as they would learn one. It's all about having the right support and lots of chances to use both languages.
Do children in French Immersion get the same inclusive education supports as those in the English program?
Yes, all children, including those in French Immersion, can get the supports they need, the same way that the supports are available in the English program.
If a child is having a hard time with a subject in French, should they switch to English?
No. A child struggling in a subject in French is likely to struggle with that same subject in English. Switching to English is not likely to help because the child will have to learn new subject-specific vocabulary in English, which could set them even further behind. It's better to find ways to help them in their current program rather than switching languages.
Should parents switch their child to an English-only program to boost their academic standing before high school?
Children in French Immersion score just as well as those in English-only programs, so there is no reason to believe that they need a 'boost' to catch up.
How can a parent help if their child is struggling in French Immersion?
Talk to the school to see how you can help at home. Encouraging your child's first language at home is also a big help. Reading with them and having conversations in your home language can really support their language development. This, in turn, helps them with their second language too.
I don't speak French. How can I support my child in French Immersion?
Read aloud daily in your language and talk about what is being learned at school. Children quickly transfer knowledge between languages. Encourage involvement in French and English activities outside of school: books, cultural events, music, festivals, educational television and summer camps. Visit the SD72 Learning Hub for .
What do I do if French Immersion is really not working for my child?
Moving a student from one program to another requires careful consideration. The French Immersion program is inclusive of all learners and school teams work to support all 亚洲成人网 so that they successfully complete the French Immersion program. A student or parent can request to move out of the French Immersion program by speaking with the school principal (or a school counsellor at middle or secondary school).